Descendants of Jacob and Elizabeth (Clifford) Basford
Descendants of Jacob and Elizabeth (Clifford) Basford

Marge (Bassford) Spille was instrumental in collecting data that was used in the preparation of this database. Marge died on 2 Jul 2009, but will be fondly remembered by the many researchers who she so generously helped!

We hope that you find this database useful for your research into theBasford/Bassford family.  Please note that this report representsa "work in progress."  There are many branches of the family that areincomplete, and others with very little in the way of documented sources. Many linkages are based totally on secondary sources, and should be consideredto be "unproven."  We have included source references for all of theinformation that we have entered into the database, so you can evaluatethe reliability of the sources for yourself.  We can use your helpin making this even more valuable resource!  If you haveadditions and/or corrections, we would welcome your input.  We wouldalso like to hear from you if you have any additional primary source data(VRs, family Bibles, census data, deeds, wills, etc.) to help us documentthis family as thoroughly as possible.